BLS teaches both single-rescuer and team basic life support skills for application in both pre-hospital and in-facility environments, with a focus on High-Quality CPR and team dynamics.
One day face-to-face training.
SFA provides comprehensive training covering all aspects of first aid and CPR. Standard First Aid incorporates all of Emergency First Aid and is designed for those who require a more in-depth understanding of first aid including: legal implications of first aid treatment, spinal injuries, heat or cold injuries, bone and joint injuries, chest injuries, and medical emergencies. Includes CPR-C certification.
Two days face-to-face training.
Basic Mountaineering and Emergency Response Training
Two days face-to-face training.
Emergency Preparedness Response Training
EPRT provides the basic skills to ensure that responders are prepared based on a specific environment. The focus of the training may either be medical or technical oriented.
Three day face-to-face training.
Water Safety and Emergency Response Training
WASERT enables participants to perform effective water management until personal safety is achieved and that of the possible victims.
Three days face-to-face training.
Wilderness Search and Emergency Response Training
WISERT lets the team execute outdoors skills coupled with Emergency Technical and Medical Function in one, in areas less traveled.
Two days face-to-face training.
Rope Access and Emergency Response Training
RAERT enhances participant’s ropemanship to be able to execute Low and High-Angle Technical Search and Rescue operations.