All trainings offered have appropriate and affordable Training Fees.

ERT or Emergency Response Training, is a 5-day training for aspiring Emergency Rescue Technicians. It is focused on Technical Rescue Skills.

EMT or Emergency Medical Training is a 2-month training program for aspiring Emergency Medical Technicians. It is focused on Pre-hospital Care.

We have no special requirements needed. If you mean documentary requirement, that will be given and collected from you during the training. But if you mean qualifications to be able to enroll, there are no specific/special qualifications, as long as you are at least 18y/o, fit for training, and willing to learn.

Yes. There are companies and organization that are specifically looking for ERT and EMT trained applicants as some positions require.

We do not offer jobs in the organization as we are a group of volunteers who willingly run the organization. But we do accept volunteers for deployment and trainings.

We require all volunteers to have fully completed our training programs. You can enroll in either the regular courses offered:
– Emergency Response Training
– Emergency Medical Technician Training Course.

We require all interested individuals to be members and graduates of Rescue Recon trainings before signifying for training for the Philippine Navy Reserves under our unit, 27th NARG. This is the skills and expertise of 27th NARG is Emergency Response and Humanitarian Aide.

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