April 25, 2021 EMT trainees of batch 24 tackles one of the more important topics in Emergency Medical Response, Airway Management and practices each skill one by one.
April 23, 2021 EMT trainees from Imus CDRRMO tackles Bleeding and Soft Tissue Injuries, and takes on the skills of Basic Suturing Techniques. Almost halfway thru the training.
April 17, 2021 Selected members from the 27th NARG (Rescue Recon) attended the opening for an online training provided by NRCen-NCR. The training is set for 3 days and will…
April 11, 2021 Rescue Recon was tapped to help in the distribution of relief packs at Manila City Jail and Quezon City Jail as part of the Ramadhan 2021 Relief…
March 23, 2021 27th NARG hosts the 1st Command Visit Virtual Telecon facilitated by NRCen-NCR. With the updated IATF protocol, and gatherings disallowed, the supposed in-person command visit of CAPT…